Rupert & Marilyn Salmon, Washington

Att: Sister Gwen Shorter,

I would like to thank you for taking the time and accepting the responsibility to manage this prayer line. It has been a blessing for my wife and myself over the last several weeks that we have been listening and participating on the calls. I was able to listen to Jeff Wehr give his presentation on the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation that is just wonderful. Brother Wehr has such a way of articulating prophecy that makes it so simple and easy to understand like no other.

The prayer request and testomonial tug at our heart as we hear the needs of our church members for themselves and their families. It really made me realize again and again we preceive our problems to be insurmountable until we listen to others. God is such a good, loving and gracious God. Again, I want to thank you for all you are doing. I pray God will continue to bless and strengthen you in the work you are doing.

God Bless,

Rupert & Marilyn Salmon, Washington