Marsha, Michigan

I was suprised to hear from Sister Shorter after so many years. She told me about the prayer line and I told as many people as I could. As I listen everyday there is always something to bless me and answer my prayer.

“End Time Like These” ministries is an answer to my prayer. I had been praying to the Lord to move us out of the neighborhood and into the country. Elder Michael Johnson told us to just go door to door. Visit my neighbors and ask them if I could pray for them. The 1st week I did this all ______ broke lose in my house. Satan was angry. The 2nd week we didn’t go. The 3rd week was such a blessing. One neighbor, Kevin’s face just lit up when we ask to pray for his family. Another lady wanted prayer for her knee surgery. This has been such a blessing.

Brother Edward Baptiste message on the mind was so timely. Another family asked us to pray they would get the pornography out of their home. It’s gone.

The Lord is preparing His people. He is warning us of the things about to come. I always wanted to study Daniel and Revelation. Now I can on the prayer line! So much encouragement. So much pressing together. It’s turning us back to the Lord. The play back calls are such a blessing. I share this CFC Prayer Line Ministry on Facebook, in church, in my neighborhood, – Everywhere!

Marsha, Michigan