Since joining the Central Filipino Prayer Line, it has been so encouraging. I was in a back-slidden condition and had stopped going to church. The church I had joined changed and just wasn’t the same church. The prayer line helped my sort things out. It showed me that there are still people wanting that old-time religion – the way things used to be in the SDA Church.
The prayer line is so inspiring and enlightening. I have contacted all my friends and relatives. Sometimes I have 2 phones going at the same time to hook up my friends to the prayer line. These messages are good for the soul. Before the calls, I get on the phone and call people to remind them to get on the line. So many out there are struggling and this prayer line just brings joy to your heart. It even beats Oprah Winfrey and the talk shows!
By the way I’m going back to church and getting stronger day by day and its helping me to grow in my spiritual relationship with Christ. Its one thing to be religious, but we must be spiritual. This ministry is a joy – its just a joy!
Donna, Ohio