Fay.(No place mentioned)

I cannot begin to thank you for you response, and prompt at that. When I heard brother Hall it was October 8, 2019. I thank you so for checking the date which seem to have been last year October.I like listening to your prayer line when I get the opportunity because it is a blessing for me.

It’s interesting that Brother Hall spoke on feelings because it has recently become a pet peeve for me. I have truly come to realize why the good Lord said: ” Come let us reason together.” Therefore,I will say to people, the good Lord say come let us reason together let not us feel together. Well that feeling business has just caused a conflict between a co-worker – we are suppose to be best friends- and she is hurt by me because I went out with someone that she’s not speaking with. She Stated: I don’t feel you have my back. I responded with, but that is not true, it’s not factual. she stared: but that’s how I feel. I tried to reason with her, she became emotional & hang the phone.I know that the good Lord allows things for a reason. I just want Him to be glorified in this situation. Please pray for me about this situation, but also please keep me on your prayer list to be faithful to our Lord no matter what. This is my deepest desire.

I have just come to learn about SWM radio about a year ago and I tell as many SDA about it as I can It has been a great blessing to me including your ministry.The good Lord bless you Sis Nora and the prayer ministry and pour our His richest blessings upon you all and gives His peace

Yours in Christ,

Fay.(No place mentioned) 10/2019