Sis. Melba G., Texas


I am Sister Melba G. and I would like to share my testimony with you all. Sis. Gwen Shorter had asked me to send one and I was not sure as what I wanted say. I have been blessed tremendously with the prayer line and I am excited to share any information about the California Connection Women ministry prayer line with anyone I meet in my daily walk.

The Lord has been definitely pruning me for his vineyard. I have been reluctant, but I am coming along day by day and only because of his grace and mercy. As of December 2009 of last year I became a widow. So I have really learned to cling to God’s promises in searching out and retaining the widows promises in his Word and believe me they have seen me through many trials in the last several months. The faith walk is truly amazing – because our sweet Jesus is always on time to give you comfort. I am looking forward to addressing the widows needs in my local church – although this prayer line ministry definitely addresses many needs and in a marvelous way.

I am asking the Lord to daily guide me and give me holy boldness with his word in sharing with others. So please continue to pray for me. And yes, as he states in his word – to make a way for us to escape and if we will only hold on and keep the faith.

Below I have added some comments from a ministry that I get monthly letters of encouragement and would like to share it with everyone. “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

Do you have a vision of a finished work? If there is ever to be a finished work, at some point in time there must be a finished work of grace in your home and in your church and in sister churches throughout the world. Many Adventists have lost their vision of a finished work. According to the text just quoted, they will perish because they will never arrive at a spiritual destination for which they are not aiming, planning and working. The work of grace does not accomplish your salvation without your cooperation (See Phil. 2: 12, 13.) We are living in the harvestime, the future which Ellen White saw in vision when “the true time of trial, of test, or proving… God has a people, and they will be a tried people, but the people will be humble. They are under the guidance of the Holy one in thought, in word, in deed.” lbid.

May the Lord bless and keep you all,

Sis. Melba G., Texas