Eva Tompkins

"Eva Tompkins, Esq., is a New York attorney and a trader of currencies, equity, and commodity futures. She practiced law for 19 years before retiring from the practice of law to start her business in trading. She is an active participant in the financial markets. As such, she monitors the activity and monetary policies of the central banks around the world." Eva was raised Seventh-Day Adventisi but drifted away from the church when she was in college. She came back to church during the pandemic and engaged in Bible study, and I was rebaptized in April 2023. She has been actively sharing the Everlasting Gospel through different ministries. You can check the website links below to watch and listen to her presentations and interviews. revelation1317cbdcwatch.substack.com/ www.youtube.com/@Revelation1317CBDCWatch/ https://thewisdompearl.org/ www.youtube.com/@wisdompearlInt