GlenWalker (Deceased)

At the age of seven Glen Walker was struck by a drunk driver. He was flown to a hospital hundreds of miles away and was unconscious for over two weeks. God worked a miracle and healed him. Several years later at the age of 18 he met a Seventh - day Adventist Christian in his work as a salesman.  They studied Bible prophecy together and Glen was convinced that he could trust the Bible and Jesus Christ. He became a “born again” Christian, graduated from Southern Adventist University, worked several years in the Ministry, Evangelism and in a Health Ministry. Today he is retired and reaches tens of thousands daily through his work on the internet and in card and glow tract evangelism. Each week he teaches a Revelation Sabbath School and each month he conducts (10) ten study and prayer teleconferences He also administers several face book groups like “Great Controversy Project,” - remember those three words - Great -- Controversy - Project and join! It presently has over 41,500 members.  Also consider joining Southern California Connection Prayer Ministry on face book and be a member.

Glen is  the author of  the book Prophecy Made Easy and What's Next. You can contact him through his website , www.