Adam Mills

Adam Mills was born and raised a Seventh- day Adventist in New York City. After having experienced the emptiness of the sinful city life, he was born again at the age of 18. Since that time he has counted it a privilege to proclaim the everlasting gospel with a passion!

He and his wife Talitha, a midwife, are the parents of two children.

Adam is a certified Lay Assistant Pastor of the Southern Union Conference and head elder of a church they raised in middle Tennessee. They have been involved in gospel medical missionary endeavors for some thirty years, including : restaurant management, a bakery, radio broadcasting,health emphasis expositions, Revelation seminars and numerous other evangelistic efforts.

Adam now extends those efforts to proclaim Christ via a self-supported ministry: In His Image Ministries. As such he has traveled here and abroad to deliver sermons and conduct seminars, youth efforts and various Bible-based workshops on topics such as: Righteousness by faith, the Sanctuary, Prophecy, Music and The Great controversy. You may access further information @