Bill Holt

BILL HOLT is a 5th generation Adventist who had a sense of urgency to do Lord's end time mission at an early age. He had a year in college taking Theology and was the Dept. Head /Director of the Linen & Laundry services of a tertiary hospital in North Carolina but in 2010 under the Lord's conviction, he left the job and pursued what he thinks the Lord was in store for him. He did private research while in college on what to do to regain the active march to Canaan. God answered his prayers and the concept of Galillee Protocol came to provide a clear path to deliberate obedience and ministry to the dying world. He was an ordained elder at an early age of 22 and has faithfully served the Adventist church in many capacities including lay preaching. He is married for over 33 yrs to a school teacher and has three children.