Charles Haugabrooks

Charles D. HaugaBrooks - TENOR -

Currently, Charles resides in Mt. Dora, FL near Orlando in Central Florida. (Current: = 2015) Charles is married to: Minerva (Barrett) Haugabrooks and has three children (Sherrard, Ezra, And Esther). He has three grand children – Mercedes, Domenic and Noah.

‘Recording artist’:

Fields of Labor Through the Years:

Charles studied Voice and Music Education at the University of South Florida, Florida Southern and Southern Missionary College. Charles has performed in Audiences worldwide. He has performed sacred concerts throughout the United States and Canada. Other concert sites include Romania, Ireland, Central America, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Bermuda, Bahamas, West Africa, South Africa, East Africa, Jamaica and the Philippines. Charles has performed the National Anthem at Orlando Magic NBA Games and Professional Hockey and soccer league games in various arenas. Charles can often be seen on various televised stations such as 3ABN Television network, Hope International and “It Is Written” telecasts.

His Mission is to: Use the art of music in a way that magnifies the Loving character of God our Father through Jesus Christ. He presents music and spiritual testimony in a manner that is edifying, entertaining, simple and clear. The object of each style is to “meet the audience where they are” and thereby encourage the listener to hear the Word of God as it speaks through a style of music that reveals the Loving Heart of Jesus Christ. His objective is that: ‘Christ must increase’. Charles believes that if the listener is able to hear and behold the Loving Character of Christ through His ‘Life, sacrifice, resurrection, ascension, heavenly mediation and His soon return, then the mind of the listener is transformed with ever increasing glory into the same likeness to that of Christ’. Loving, selfless service to others is the sweet result.