Gordon Cholmondeley

Mission to Save the Children ministries, a medical missionary ministry, was organized by Gordon and Leilani Cholmondeley in Bermuda over 20 years ago.

Brother Gordon Cholmondeley a native of Bermuda, was educated at Philadelphia University were he achieved a master degree in business. His wife Leilani is a registered nurse with Bachelors’ degree in nursing and is presently a Chronic Disease/Diabetes Educator in Washington State.

Brother Gordon has been a member of the SDA church for some twenty five years, and he and his wife in the past have given many workshops on health and preparedness seminars in Bermuda and USA.

Currently their ministry is located in the mountains of Eastern Washington State. The ministries focus is on their "Mission to Save the Children". Their children and extended family members are taught biblical principals, the "Eight Laws of Health" and life style changes as related to obtaining better health. The children have been taught to be self sufficient in farming, building, food storage and preparation. Brother Gordon is a Builder and Farmer and has spent a great deal of time building there present home with the help of his children over the past few years.

Brother Gordon spent several years in prison ministries in Bermuda, and for the last eleven years he has headed an international teleconference call that teaches religious principal and preparedness techniques for the end time. Often he is called to speak at churches and in group settings, to assist members to prepare for the second coming of Jesus.

Some of the topics of lectures presented by brother Gordon are;  Biblical truths for the end time, Exodus from Babylon, The Joseph story, Country and mountain living, Commercial and residential farming, Building affordable housing, Water management and conservation, Green house and affordable energy concepts Orcharding, and Disaster preparedness.

If you would like to learn more about these areas please feel free to contact Brother Gordon and Sister Leilani at

Email mission2stc@aol.com