Joyce Trout

Joyce Trout is a Certified Herbalist through Dr. John Christopher's School of Natural Healing. She has written a book on Cancer and one on Diabetes  called, "The Good News You Should Know". You may call her with any health issues you may have at 931-498-2844

Joyce is a Certified Herbalist & she has seen many miracles of healing over 40 years of working with people counseling them on diet, detoxifying, & God’s methods of healing according to the many Scriptures in the Bible. Remember God is the Great Physician.

She graduated in 1966 as an elementary school teacher. Her first teaching job was in York, Pa, where she had the privilege of hearing Dr. John Christopher, ND, MH. She treasures this experience as this changed her life. Dr. Christopher told about his patients who regained their health using God’s methods of healing. Many of them had been given up as “hopeless” but they got well under Dr. Christopher’s care. He worked far into the night taking care of people. She has written a book on Cancer & Diabetes in the series called “The Good News You Should Know.” Joyce has a Vegan Cookbook as well.  She met Dr. C. Samuel West, a leading lymphologist where she learned to reactivate the lymphatic system. You can relieve pain by releasing the trapped protein molecule. You can read about it in her books where it gives the details on using the minitrampoline. She visited Charlotte Gerson’s clinic in Tijuana, Mexico in 1986. Joyce lives in Monterey, TN. You may call her at 931-498-2844 for a program.Joyce has given herbal seminars on all aspects of disease such as cancer, diabetes, celiac, lupus, MS, detoxifying, & much more. The body has a healing mechanism so the body can heal itself through a strong immune system, which is our only line of defense, if you feed it the raw vegetable juices, detoxify, give it the right herbs, & God’s diet.

Joyce gave a lecture every day for 5 days at Pastor Jan Marcussen’s Medical Missionary School & she has the lectures on 5 DVD’s. You can have the complete set for only $75. There is one hour to one hour & 20 minutes of good, useful information on each DVD giving you herbal formulas for your different health challenges plus just down to earth information for general living to stay healthy.

It tells what to do for asthma, gangrene, bleeding of the lungs, bedsores, ulcers, bronchitis, pneumonia, heart disease, & much, much more. You can become a distributor for my DVD’s & health books by ordering them at wholesale.