Michele Cuke

Michele Cuke is a native of California. She attended nursing school in NY, and it was there where she met Pastor David Cuke. They have been married for 34 years and have three adult children. They enjoyed working together in ministry for over the last 34 years. Michele has a BA in psychology from UCLA and a BSN from Columbia University. Michele is a Registered Nurse by profession and worked over 25 years in the field. Her nursing career was only one facet of her pursuits in health and wellness. Michele Cuke had a 25-year running career. She was recently inducted into the Black Marathoners Hall of Fame for being one of the few African American women who ran under three hours in the marathon. Her interest in athletics led to her desire to pursue a fitness career and is currently working as a fitness trainer and medical exercise specialist. Additionally, Michele has worked in the area of health promotion and education. She has conducted numerous health seminars, workshops, and health expositions and currently started an online Facebook group, The SDA Raw and Live Food Community, to promote the eating of more whole and live fruits and vegetables. She has been a vegetarian for over 50 years and is a strong proponent of the plant-based diet. Her love for health led her to pursue advance studies in public health, holistic nutrition, fitness, and naturopathic medicine. Michele currently lives with her husband, pastor Cuke, in Huntsville, Alabama where they both are active and busy in ministry, promoting the message of Jesus Christ.