Ron Neifert

D. Ronald Neifert, a California native, is a teacher, speaker and revivalist who currently resides in Mississippi.

Ron’s preparatory training for the work in which he is now engaged includes a long, varied, and successful career in mechanical engineering with an emphasis in systems analysis, project management, and team negotiating.  He was blessed to work on the NASA Space Shuttle and other aerospace projects.

His public speaking career began in Sacramento, California, where he also worked as a broadcaster on a number of top radio stations.  Currently, he is managing  WSJC (We Share Jesus Christ)Radio, the biggest radio station in Mississippi .

Over 30 years ago the Holy Spirit directed Ron’s teaching gift, organizational, and leadership skills toward spiritual and church-related issues rather than engineering and secular broadcasting.  Ron accepted the call and has never turned back.

Ron’s ministry has extended across the world, including the Philippines; China; Portugal; Greece; Italy, and many other countries, as well as North America.  He has been privileged to engage in the training of elders; church organization projects, outreach, and Bible study.  He has helped in numerous evangelism campaigns and has served as an elder, Sabbath school leader; and numerous offices in his local church.

In addition, Ron has led out in a world-wide “study hall” on Paltalk for 8 years, leading out in Bible studies and connecting Bible study participants with pastors in their various countries worldwide. This has resulted in numerous baptisms.

Having a deep passion for the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and the three angel’s messages, Neifert has done considerable study and supportive work on the topics of historic Adventist teachings, biblical worship, personal growth and revival, and reformation.  He has a special appreciation for teaching deep Bible study, Adventist history, and its relation to the health message.

His greatest desire is to see a revival "explosion" take place all over the world.

For Ron, nothing matches the joy of sharing the good news of the gospel and Christ’s soon return, and leading people into a deeper, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Brother Ron loves Jesus above all others and makes Him the center of every message.

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